A Blog From The EQ Site Creator's Sidekick....


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Sunday, June 27, 2004

finally saw a pic of Ed from Starship Troopers 2. it's


he's on the extreme right.
through June 30th, fye.com sweepstakes for a trip to Wizard World Chicago, a comic book convention. other prizes: one piece of artwork (reproduced) signed by the director, writer & producer and one Starship Troopers DVD 5-pack (includes Starship Troopers 1 & 2 and Starship Troopers Rednecks, 5th Element, and Final Fantasy).

personally i'd like the Roughnecks dvd, as i'm rather fond of the Starship Troopers animated series. tsktsktsk, typos.

.: posted by cj the [my current mood] @ 5:23 PM
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Friday, June 11, 2004

if you're reading this, i replied to your email but i don't think it got through...
i'll try resending, or my other email addresses but if there's still no word, i'll try to catch you on IM or something, OK?

.: posted by cj the [my current mood] @ 7:48 AM
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